3rd ICAP on HUMANITY 2024

ABOUT 3rd ICAP-H 2024


In recent years, there has been growing awareness about the importance of fostering inclusive communities that accommodate and support individuals with
neurodevelopmental disorders. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and dyslexia are two conditions that significantly impact individual learning, communication, and social interaction abilities. Despite the unique challenges they face, individuals with autism and dyslexia may have immense potential and talent that can greatly contribute to society when provided with appropriate support and opportunities.

The advantage among their limitations is an opportunity to create social innovations. Inclusive social communities become one of the objectives that must be realized to allow individuals with special needs to actualize their potential and talent. This objective cannot be directly achieved without any roles of scientists and stakeholders. Therefore, research and scientific studies related to this matter must be developed continuously to give an impact on an inclusive social environment. 

The International Conference of Applied Psychology on Humanity (ICAP on Humanity) is the international conference organized by the Faculty of Psychology, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The 3rd ICAP on Humanity is a part of the international conference series held by Lembaga Pengembangan Publikasi Ilmiah (Institute of Scientific Publication Development) of UMM. The theme of our 3rd ICAP on Humanity (ICAP-H) 2024 is "Towards Inclusive Communities: Collaborating for A Brighter Future for Autistic and Dyslexic”. This year, ICAP-H is also one of the main events of UMM Autism Summit which is organized by the Faculty of Psychology, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. 


The conference aims are means for researchers, academia, professionals, and stakeholders to share information that can be used as input to solve the issues related to inclusive communities. It also works as a means for researchers to publish their findings and opens up great opportunities to build collaborative networks between national and international scientists.


The objectives of the 3rd ICAP on Humanity are:

  1. To collect findings by national and international researchers so that they are published in scientific forums.
  2. To expand scientific information networks.
  3. Publish the findings of researchers and service providers in the recognizable international indexed proceedings


The expected benefits of the 3rd ICAP on Humanity are as follows:

  1. As a contribution for the governments, stakeholders, and decision-makers in terms of data and findings, which are expected to be used as references and input for sustainable Indonesian development, especially in the psychological field.
  2. Increasing collaboration between researchers from various universities, both national and internationally,
  3. Improving the number of high-quality publications from scientists and academia.


Publication Outcome


The conference accepts original papers, including abstracts and full papers that have not been published elsewhere. All papers presented on the 3 rd ICAP on Humanity 2024 are original research papers and will be reviewed through blind peer-review based on authenticity, contribution, relevance, clarity, and presentation performance. The selected full paper will be published in KNE Publisher (in confirmation), Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Terapan (JIPT) Sinta 3, Jurnal Procedia Sinta 3, and Jurnal Cognicia. Alternatively, the unselected paper will be published in the ISBN's proceedings





ISBN's Proceeding