We invite Psychologist, Counselors, Psychiatrists, Social Workers, Lecturers, Academicians, and Post-Graduate Students as participants of the conference and submission of abstract/paper on contemporary issues in Towards Inclusive Communities: Collaborating for A Brighter Future for Autistic and Dyslexic befitting any of the conference tracks mentioned as under topics of interest.


  1. Psychology
  2. Education
  3. Interview and Therapeutic Activities
  4. Medical Science
  5. Health Science
  6. Parenting
  7. Social Work
  8. Neuroscience
  9. Counseling Guidance
  10. Public Policy on Disabilities Individuals


Please note each abstract should include the following information between 150-250 words:

  1. Introduction or rationale
  2. Objectives (of project and/or research)
  3. Methods or approach
  4. Results or practice/policy implications
  5. Conclusion


Participants who want to publish the article in the journal or proceeding are requested for full paper submission.  The article does not exceed 15 pages including tables, figures, and references. The paper should be written in English.

All submissions will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and the acceptance/rejections are based on their relevance to the conference topics. The Scientific Committee will evaluate the scientific quality of the submission on the basis of the following criteria: uniqueness of the research, significance of the findings, and clarity 

Submissions should be in MS Word format. Format of full paper submission should: 

  • A4 size paper
  • 1.5 line Spacing
  • Margins: 4 cm on the left and top and 3 cm on the right and bottom
  • Text Alignment: Justify
  • No footers and headers allowed and no numbered pages
  • Fonts:  Title: Times New Roman 14 bold,  Subtitles: Times New Roman 12 bold, Text: Times New Roman 12


The Paper should include the following information:

  1. Title
  2. Affiliation
  3. Abstract
  4. Keywords
  5. Introduction
  6. Literature Review
  7. Method
  8. Result & Discussion
  9. Acknowledgement, Funding & Ethics Policies
  10. References

Note: In-text citation should be written in Vancouver Numerical System, and Endnote references should be written in APA 7th Edition Referencing Style.


First page:

Title of submission
Name/s of author/s
Affiliation/s of the author/s
E-mail address/es of the author/s


Second page:

Abstract of maximum 250 words (or one page)
Keywords (under abstract): 3 to 5 words


Third page:

Full paper (unless only abstract is intended for publication)


Last page:

References (APA Style)


Format for Poster Submission:

  • The poster board should be 84,1 cm x 59,4 cm (A1 sheet; layout: portrait). The space between the content of an element and the border of that same element is 2,5 cm or less. Please, use adequate letter type and size to ensure good readability. Well-designed figures, graphs, and tables will g
  • enerally increase the attractiveness of your poster.
  • Text must be written in English or Bahasa Indonesia. Use short sentences, simple words, and bullets to illustrate your points.
  • Text and graphics should be easily readable if the poster is printed out on an A1 sheet
  • Cambria font used in the entire poster.
  • Suggested font sizes are (for the A1 format): Title Research: 70 pt (bold); Author: 50 pt; Affiliation: 40 pt; Section title: 50 pt (bold); Section paragraph: 30-40 pt; Figure-chart-table title bold: 25-35 pt.
  • Please include the organizer's logos on your poster (Check the example): The logos can be downloaded by following the link below, more information for Guideline and Template:

The General Structure for Poster:

  1. Title
  • The title should attract potential viewers. If possible, institute logos or affiliations should be minimized in size and put in the lower corner of the poster, or next to the title.
  1. Author(s) name(s)
  • List the first author's last name, first name, middle initial, and then the first name, middle initial, and last name of each co-author. Underline the name of the person who will be presenting the poster at the symposium.
  1. Author Affilation
  • Include your department or program and institution. If your co-authors have different affiliations, place a superscript number after each author's name and a corresponding superscript number before each author's address. The presenting author's name should be underlined.
  1. Introduction
  • Get your viewer interested in the issue or question while using the absolute minimum of background information and definitions. Put the objectives of your study at the end of your introduction.
  1. Methods
  • Be short, but precise. State what study design you used and define your study population. Provide a case definition, if applicable. Mention statistical, laboratory, and other methods that were used.
  1. Result/Discussion
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Briefly provide descriptive results (response rate, age, and sex distribution). Present data that more specifically address the hypothesis and refer to supporting charts or images. Tables and graphs should stand on their own. Remove all non-essential information from graphs and tables (data curves not discussed by the poster; excess grid lines in tables).
  1. Conclusions and Recommendations
  • ​​​​​​​Comment on the main results and discuss why they are conclusive and interesting. What are your recommendations?
  1. References
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​In-Text Citation and Endnote References should be written in APA 7 th Edition Referencing Style.
