The conference will be advertised worldwide extensively (mainly Asian region), included:

  • Direct mail/email – distribution of the conference announcements and registration brochure
  • E-marketing – regular social media blasts promoting program updates, key dates, and featured speakers
  • The ICAP on Humanity 2024 conference website – partners and exhibitors will be acknowledge on the conference website
  • Advertising within industry, related journals and magazines
  • All ICAP on Humanity official social media accounts.

For Sponsors, all their logos will be placed on all our publicity materials and being ad-lib during the conference session.


For ICAP-H 2024, this conference will be held as a part of UMM Autism Summit 2024. The UMM Autism Summit is organised by The Faculty of Psychology of University Muhammadiyah Malang.

If you are interested joining as a partner institution, your institution will get several benefits as follows:

  • Special contribution discount in form of free publication free for First 5 Papers.
  • Opportunity to sending representatives to be the Scientific Committee (reviewer & editor) in international proceeding publication (international co-host)
  • Institutions logo on the front pages of our publicity materials (e.g., brochure, poster, website, proceedings, and other online announcements).
  • Marketing opportunities to reinforce your institution’s brand amongst relevant audiences and raise your profile in the industry.
  • Networking opportunities to engage and collaborate with partner university or organizations
  • Future academic networking in research and publication.